Architecture Preview Assignment #1
Eden Project
1. Nicholas Grimshaw
2. 2000
3. In Cornwall, England
4. You may visit
5. It costed about 141 million pounds
6. The domes created are used for biomes and inside each biome they use different sources of green energy to help stay clean.
7. I picked this building because when I saw "Eden" I thought of the Garden of Eden. The Garden of Eden was filled with a lot of nature, which is one of my favorite things. I love wildlife and the outdoors so I thought this project would include those things, and surely it did. I think that this project is absolutely stunning and gorgeous to look at. It makes me wanna visit this place myself and bring people along with me.
1. Friedensreich Hundertwasser & Joseph Krawina
2. 1986
3. Vienna, Austria
4. This house can only be viewed from the outside.
5. The cost of the building is unknown.
6. The artist created this building based on his belief of vegetation should grow everywhere.
7. First off I was interested in this architecture because I saw it was located in Austria. I thought that the place would be very unique and it was. I love the building because it's very colorful, but odd. Buildings usually aren't shaped like these are, and you wouldn't think it would be stable to have built buildings like this. The architect did an amazing job on this building and deserves more credit.
Krzywy Domek (The crooked house)
1. Szotynscy & Zaleski
2. 2004
3. Sopot, Poland
4. You may visit
5. There's no cost that I could find.
6. the purpose was to illuminate the "fairytale illustrations and drawings"inspired by Jan Marcin Szancer and Per Dahlberg.
7. I chose this building because of how wonky it looks. The building looks as if it came from a cartoon, or video game. The crookedness of the building seems impossible, but I think it's truly amazing how this could have been built. I also thought that it was crazy that this building came from someone's drawings! Just imaging the difficulties of building this is stunning. I'd love to see if this building gets put in a horror movie just to confuse the audience.
The Ufo House
1. Matti Suuronen
2. Construction began on 1978, but was never fully finished.
3. Sanzhi District, New Taipei City, Taiwan
4. You may visit
5. I don't know the cost, but it was never built due to the high amount of money they lost from their investment.
6. It was suppose to be dedicated towards the US military officers as a "vacation resort.
7. I chose this building because the first thing I thought of was aliens. I love that there's a building that looks just like a ufo. I feel like this would be an awesome place to walking around, explore, andn take pictures of. The location is beautiful, and I really hope that they're get more money so they can continue the process of building this ufo building.

Habitat 67
1. Moshe Safdie
2. 1967
3. Montreal, Quebec, Canada
4. You may visit
5. The costing of habitat 67 was financed by the federal government.
6. It was built as the pavilion of Expo 67, the world's fair.
7. I chose this building because it's enormous and it looks as if there are just a bunch of blocks stacked on top of each other. This building looks like it came straight out of Minecraft, or some sort of cartoon. This place looks like another amazing place to visit, and it would be a of fun going inside the building.
1. Nicholas Grimshaw
2. 2000
3. In Cornwall, England
4. You may visit
5. It costed about 141 million pounds
6. The domes created are used for biomes and inside each biome they use different sources of green energy to help stay clean.
7. I picked this building because when I saw "Eden" I thought of the Garden of Eden. The Garden of Eden was filled with a lot of nature, which is one of my favorite things. I love wildlife and the outdoors so I thought this project would include those things, and surely it did. I think that this project is absolutely stunning and gorgeous to look at. It makes me wanna visit this place myself and bring people along with me.
1. Friedensreich Hundertwasser & Joseph Krawina
2. 1986
3. Vienna, Austria
4. This house can only be viewed from the outside.
5. The cost of the building is unknown.
6. The artist created this building based on his belief of vegetation should grow everywhere.
7. First off I was interested in this architecture because I saw it was located in Austria. I thought that the place would be very unique and it was. I love the building because it's very colorful, but odd. Buildings usually aren't shaped like these are, and you wouldn't think it would be stable to have built buildings like this. The architect did an amazing job on this building and deserves more credit.
Krzywy Domek (The crooked house)
1. Szotynscy & Zaleski
2. 2004
3. Sopot, Poland
4. You may visit
5. There's no cost that I could find.
6. the purpose was to illuminate the "fairytale illustrations and drawings"inspired by Jan Marcin Szancer and Per Dahlberg.
7. I chose this building because of how wonky it looks. The building looks as if it came from a cartoon, or video game. The crookedness of the building seems impossible, but I think it's truly amazing how this could have been built. I also thought that it was crazy that this building came from someone's drawings! Just imaging the difficulties of building this is stunning. I'd love to see if this building gets put in a horror movie just to confuse the audience.
The Ufo House
1. Matti Suuronen
2. Construction began on 1978, but was never fully finished.
3. Sanzhi District, New Taipei City, Taiwan
4. You may visit
5. I don't know the cost, but it was never built due to the high amount of money they lost from their investment.
6. It was suppose to be dedicated towards the US military officers as a "vacation resort.
7. I chose this building because the first thing I thought of was aliens. I love that there's a building that looks just like a ufo. I feel like this would be an awesome place to walking around, explore, andn take pictures of. The location is beautiful, and I really hope that they're get more money so they can continue the process of building this ufo building.
Habitat 67
1. Moshe Safdie
2. 1967
3. Montreal, Quebec, Canada
4. You may visit
5. The costing of habitat 67 was financed by the federal government.
6. It was built as the pavilion of Expo 67, the world's fair.
7. I chose this building because it's enormous and it looks as if there are just a bunch of blocks stacked on top of each other. This building looks like it came straight out of Minecraft, or some sort of cartoon. This place looks like another amazing place to visit, and it would be a of fun going inside the building.
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