
1.  I can't believe that Nick Brandt spent all those months taking photos in Africa, I don't know how he could stand the heat. It surprised me that Brandt doesn't use the telephoto lens, because he wants to see as much landscape as possible in the photos. In order to get some of the photos he too he had to wait for days or for weeks until shooting for the image he wanted! The photos he took are all focused and very close up. You can see the detail in the animals which required a lot.

2.  Image result for nick brandt

3.  I chose this photo because I really like the reflection of the hijina in the water. It's my favorite because I love how the hijina is looking straight at the camera and how it's an actual hijina.

4. In this photo, the main rule of photography in this photo is simplicity. It shows simplicity because the animal is the main subject and tin the background there's almost nothing, it's blurred and plain.

5. brandt doesn't use a telephoto lense, he usesa Pentax 67II with two fixed lenses ONLY. This is important because it takes photos of dramatic landscapes and itrevelas the animal's personality.

6. The reason behind him taking these photos is because he says that he wants to show animals "simply in the state of being."

7. His hope of taking these photos is to spread awareness and conservation of Africa's wildlife and environment. 

8. "My images are unashamedly idyllic and romantic, a kind of enchanted Africa. They're my elegy to a world that is steadily, tragically vanishing." -Nick Brandt


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