Opinions writing preview activity

Immigration laws getting out of hand

1. Written by Editorial
2. Their story is about new immigration policies in the United States made by Trump are out of hand.
3. The author's opinion is that "We should be doing everything we can to reach out to the world's immigrants in an to continue to be the world leader that we have been for so many years."
4. They did not address the other side of the argument.
5. No, I think the author was clear of their opinion. It was clear that they wanted to show that Trump's policies for immigration is too strict and that we can do something to change that.
6. They quoted Donald Trump saying things like "get out of my country" and "build a wall."
7. They wrote in 3rd person.

Betsy DeVos unfit to serve at U.S. Secretary of Education

1. Written by Reagan Wallace
2. Their story is about how Betsy DeVos should not serve as the U.S. Secretary of Education.
3. "I don't believe she is prepared to lead a country's education system."
4.They did not address the other side of the argument.
5. I think their opinion was clear because the examples show/support why DeVos should not be Secretary of Education.
6. There are no quotes
7. 3rd person

Our great tree is worth saving

1. Written by Ian Miller
2. The tree dying should be saved.
3. "In my opinion, it's absolutely worth the price to save it."
4. They BARELY addressed the other side of the argument.
5. I think the message is a little unclear because he's saying the tree is dying, but it'd be hard to save it because of the cost.
6. There are no quotes
7. There's a mix of the point of view between 1st and 2nd person.

Going above the norm for college

1. Written by Jake Brien
2. How colleges are hard to get in to.
3. His opinion is that colleges are hard to get in to, but are a big part of our life that we need to experience.
4. He doesn't address the other side of the argument.
5. The author made it seem like college expenses are hard to pay, but the expenses are worth it.
6. There are no quotes
7. 3rd person

Importance of physics class

1. Written by Abby Ong
2. Why it's important taking physics
3. "I believe all students should take it regardless of endorsement or future career choice."
4. They don't address the other side of the argument.
5. The point of taking physics being IMPORTANT.
6. No quotes
7. 3rd person

A. News stories state facts while opinionated stories address their personal viewing of a situation.
News stories are always in 3rd point of view, opinionated stories are in 1st person.
Opinionated stories can be controversial.

B. It's an opinion, so photos that match one's opinion usually isn't in an image.

C. Politics
Movies/books/shows reviews
