Sports Portfolio Evaluation

a) Josh Birnhaum
b) Various stories and wheelchair sports.
c) 1. In the photo of the main in the girl costume "photographically there was nothing to it."
2. For certain close ups of people the judges wished that they had been shot at different angles and perspectives.
3. For the image of the men swimming with the rubber ducks in the water, the photographer could've had an amazing picture to go along with the amazing story, but the image was very weak and unappealing.
4. The transitioning from each photo in the portfolio was very weak and and some images didn't even match the topic of the portfolio.
d) 1. The image of the foot hitting the girl's face was pretty funny and could have a good caption.
2. The last few images matched the portfolio and were a lot better quality.
e) Overall, I didn't like the photographer because I thought his photos were dull and a lot of them made it unclear to what the general idea of it was.

a) Justin Mott
b) Stories in different regions
c) 1. Images could be more clear and in focus
2. The photographer didn't pay attention to their portfolio making
3. Some detailed images were low quality and didn't give off a great effect
d) 1. The photographer shot at good angles that captured the different moods and perspectives of the setting of the image.
2. The judges were blown away by the situations of the photos.
e) I really liked this photographer because I think he did a good job capturing moments of rough situations, but gave an amazing perspective to the person viewing the images.

a) Alyssa Schukar
b) Stories involving kids and families
c) 1. Story of the eating disorder has been done way better.
2. The emotions of the photo aren't present, so you can't feel the love or pain within the photo.
3. Aren't many good and strong single shots in the portfolio.
d) 1. Has some good graphic context.
2. The image of the man sweeping the streets really gives of the vibe of a dirty environment.
e) I think that the photographer's images are boring and there's nothing that really sticks out to me.

a) Melissa Golden
b) Hospital/sick patients
c) 1. The images were disappointing and boring.
2. Subjects of the photo were unclear and out of focus.
3. Lots of mergers made certain images seem "messy."
d) 1. Has a good portrait of of an old man staring. The eye's pop out very well.
2. Had a good image of the girl playing softball, the moment of her sliding was caught very nicely.
e) I have mixed feelings about this photographer because her first few images were bland, but as the portfolio progressed the images got more interesting and had better quality.

2. a) Had good composition and the images caught gave them a new point of view of what the main event/idea of the photo is.
b)The photographer had a strong and creative imagination for the photos, but some of the images contained too much blur.

3a) For each portfolio the judges first named all the strengths and weaknesses of the photos, then they decided whether of not it was good enough to win first place. If they thought it was good, but not first place worthy they instantly kicked the portfolio out of the competition.

1) I agree with the judges when they say that the image of the girl getting attacked by the goose is a good image. It was shot in the moment and there wasn't any real planning to it. Compared to the other images they were viewing, most were planned out and they had to have taken a long time to wait for the perfect time to shoot. This image was a hit or miss opportunity and the photographer successfully got a good image of this.

2) I disagree with the judges when they said that the image of the red-suited tennis player was a great shot. I think that this image is boring. The color contrast is bland and the face of the subject isn't in the photo. I would've liked to see the player's actual face instead of just their body.
