School Uniforms

1. Students
2. Teachers
3. Principal


1) What's your opinion on the new school uniforms rule?
2) How do you think this will benefit the school?
3) How will you react if someone doesn't follow the new uniform rule?
4) Do school uniforms take away students' freedom at school?
5) Do uniforms limit students' right to express themselves?
6) Why do you think this rule was enforced?
7) How do you think parents will react to the news of school uniforms being enforced.
8) Who do you think wanted school uniforms?
9)  Do you think there's a possibility that the uniforms would be removed from the school rules if there were enough complaints?
10) Could this help stop students from bullying each other for clothing choices?
11) Have you personally seen any problems that could've influenced this new rule of uniforms?
12) What types of dress code violations have you witnessed at school?
13) How strict is the current dress code at school?
14) What types of punishments do you think would be set for someone who doesn't follow the dress code?
15) If the school is on a low budget, would the uniforms themselves affect fundings that go into clubs/classes?
16) Who do you think will design the uniform?
17) Are there a few exceptions to adding accessories to the uniform, such as jewelry?
18) Do you agree with the school board's decision for school uniforms?
19) Do you think this would want people to skip school?
20) How will the school uniforms effect students outside of school?


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